Parasha Insights
There is something entirely unique to Parshas Tetzave that we do not find by any other Parsha from the beginning of Sefer Shemot until the end of the Book of Numbers, (Bamidbor) – Moshe Rabbeinu’s name is not mentioned, not even once. What kind of message can this possibly…
Sukkot Insights
The Gemoro Sukka Daf 27b states "כל ישראל ראוים לישב בסוכה אחת" – all the Jewish people are fit to sit under one Sukka. Now, while this sounds very nice, it is obviously impossible for the entire Jewish people to…
Parasha Insights
“Re’eh Nasati Lifneichem Hayom” – with the Possuk, Hashem sets out the roadmap and life mission of every single Jew. Today, Shabbos Parshas Re’eh coincides with Rosh Chodesh Elul. The beginning of the period marking the time to prepare for Rosh Hashono and the new year. The time for…
“In truth, there is nothing but blessings”.
In Parshas Bechukosai, the final Parsha of Sefer Vayikra, and a Parsha the Chazal ensured we read before Shavous every year, we read of the Brachos given to the Jewish people when they fulfill Hashem’s commandment, as well the consequences…
Parasha Insights
In this week’s Torah portion Eikev the Mitzvah of putting on Tefillin is mentioned. In Midrash Tehillim it’s written: Rabbi Eliezer said: “the Jewish people told Hashem, ‘we want to learn Torah all day and night, but we don’t have…