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What is Faith?

As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The perashah begins with the descent of Yaakov Avinu and his family to Egypt. They were only a small group when they arrived,…

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Explain Yourself

Yaakov Avinu  was instructed by his parents to go to the house   of Lavan to find himself a spouse. He ended up marrying Lavan’s daughters, Rachel and Leah, for whom he worked tirelessly for fourteen years, to be able to…

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What is Faith?

As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The Parasha begins with the descent of Yaakov Avinu and his family to Egypt. They were only a small group when they arrived,…

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Women’s Liberation

At the conclusion of the Book of Bereshit, our forefather, Yaakov, blessed each of his sons before he died. Yosef, who merited becoming second-in-command of Egypt, was blessed by his father to have special favour in the eyes of all…

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What is Faith?

As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The perashah begins with the descent of Yaakov Avinu and his family to Egypt. They were only a small group when they arrived,…

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Welcoming Guests

This parashah begins by telling us about our Forefather Avraham’s exemplary kindness when welcoming guests. The Torah instructs us how to fulfil the commandment of performing chessed, kindness, when Yitro instructs Moshe Rabbenu (Shemot 18:20), “Vehodahta lahem et haderech yelchu…

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