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G-d’s Munificence towards Man

This week’s perashah relates about Yaakov Avinu’s confrontation with his brother Esav, and the prelude to this historic meeting. Yaakov was very worried, since he knew that Esav was waiting to take revenge for receiving “his” blessings from their father…

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Explain Yourself

Yaakov Avinu  was instructed by his parents to go to the house   of Lavan to find himself a spouse. He ended up marrying Lavan’s daughters, Rachel and Leah, for whom he worked tirelessly for fourteen years, to be able to…

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The Best in the World!

The beginning of the Parasha relates how, following Avraham Avinu’s circumcision, three angels came to visit him. After having been served their meal, the angels enquired of Avraham: “where is Sarah, your wife?” He answered that she was in the…

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Perfect Harmony

As we start the new cycle of reading the Torah, we have the opportunity to refresh ourselves with the concepts of the book of Bereshit. One could ask, since this book comprises mainly of historical events of our forefathers, why…

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A Person’s Honour

This week we start reading the fifth book of the Torah – Sefer Devarim. Literally translated  as  “the  Book  of  Words,”  it  refers  to the words of rebuke that Moshe Rabbenu reprimanded the Jewish People before he passed away. Just…

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