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Giving to Take

In this week’s parasha G-d instructs the Jews of that generation to build the Mishkan – the Tabernacle. The verse writes (Terumah 25:2): “Veyikchu li terumah,” “And you shall take a donation for Me” – in order to build the…

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Trust or Effort

While the Jewish People travelled and sojourned in the desert, G-d sustained them with the Manna – heavenly bread. It was a miraculous food that was sent daily from heaven and tasted according to each person’s wishes. The experience of…

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Explain Yourself

Yaakov Avinu was instructed by his parents to go to the house   of Lavan to find himself a spouse. He ended up marrying Lavan’s daughters, Rachel and Leah, for whom he worked tirelessly for fourteen years, to be able to…

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The Best in the World!

The beginning of the perashah relates how, following Avraham Avinu’s circumcision, three angels came to visit him. After having been served their meal, the angels enquired of Avraham: “Where is Sarah, your wife?” He answered that she was in the tent, meaning, that she was attending…

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