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Parasha Insights

“Today you have become a nation” (27:9). The Torah describes us as being born a nation on the day that we accepted upon ourselves to be loyal and faithful to G-d’s Torah! At this stage we were still a wandering…

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Parasha insights

“Tell the Kohanim descendants of Aharon, and you shall say to them, he may not defile himself in contact with a deceased amongst his people” (21:1). Our Parsha opens up with the laws that apply exclusively to the Kohen, due…

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Parasha Insights

“Command [Tzav] Aharon and his sons” (6:2). Rashi comments that the Hebrew word Tzav used by the Torah here to mean “command” is an expression indicating performing enthusiastically and swiftly, without hesitation. The Torah uses this encouraging expression because the…

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Parasha Insights

“And Yithro came…”  (18:1) The Talmud (Zevachim 116a) discusses what made Yithro, a gentile priest, come to join our nation? R. Yehoshua says it was the war of Amalek; R. Elazar HaModai says the giving of the Torah; R. Eliezer…

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Jerusalem Live!

“He mourned for his son for many days (22 yrs!)….and he refused to be comforted” (37:34) Rashi explains that G-d placed into nature that the bitterness of the passing away of a dear one gradually decreases until the departure gets…

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