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Stand up and be counted

“And with you shall be one man from each tribe, a man who is a prince of his fathers’ house” (Numbers 1:4). Rashi (1040-1105) comments on the words “and with you shall be” and explains that Hashem is saying to…

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 Moshe was told to count the Jewish nation. “Take a census of the entire assembly of the Children of Israel according to their families… From twenty years of age and up…everyone who goes out to the legion…” (Bamidbar 1:2-3). This…

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Parasha Insights

In this week’s Parasha we learn about the Metzora – a person who is afflicted and cast out of the camp because of the sin of slander. The Midrash explains that the word Metzora can be read Motsi Shem Ra…

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An eye for an eye

The Torah states that the punishment for speaking lashon hara (slander) is for that individual to be removed to outside the camp and be left alone. Rashi is troubled with a simple question. We know that Hashem does all judgement…

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Lesson In Love

After several attempts by the Midianites to attack and destroy the Jewish people, Hashem instructs Moshe near the beginning of our sedra “To take vengeance for the Children of Israel against the Midianites” (Numbers 31:2).  However when Moshe instructs the people, he…

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Many Thoughts!

You’re late for a very important business meeting. The Chazan finishes the Amida – and you wait for the potential good news – no Tachanun. But it doesn’t come! You check your watch and decide time out. Off go the…

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Top Leader!

The daughters of Tselofchad were very righteous and wise. The Midrash (Otzar Midrashim p474) lists them among the 23 most righteous Jewish women in history. Their father had died in the wilderness and left five girls behind. He had no…

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