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Thanking G-d at every stage in your life is important. In the olden days the Mizbeach (altar) represented the place in which a person could offer up thanks to Hashem. At the end of this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells…

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Parasha Insights

This week’s Torah reading relates that Abraham established an inn for guests, and there he “called upon the name of the eternal G-d.” Our Rabbis interpret this phrase, explaining that the intent is not that only Abraham himself called to…

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The lobster is a soft mushy animal that lives inside a solid shell. That rigid shell doesn’t expand. So how does the lobster grow? As the lobster grows it feels under pressure of its shell. It goes under a rock…

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Making a change

Hashem said to Avraham ‘Go for yourself, from yourland, from your birth place, and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you’ (Bereishis 12:1). Rashi says that the destination was not revealed immediately in order to…

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Never Enough!

KelatyMany of you will be familiar with the following domestic scene: Husband goes out shopping, bearing huge shopping list from Wife. Husband goes to kosher shop, trawling round and round the aisles, furiously crossing off things from the the list.…

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Beneath The Surface

Have you ever seen an iceberg up close? Take a look at the picture on this page. Quite startling. The photograph came from a rig manager for Global Marine Drilling in St. John, Newfoundland. They have to divert the path…

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Parasha Insights

As we complete the first book of the Torah we are left with a subconscious message hinted throughout the Parasha. It all begins with the name of this week’s Parasha – Vayechi. In essence the Parasha relates Yaakov’s last years…

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