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Just say No!

Imagine one of those typical days in London. The clouds are heavy, the wind is strong and the rain doesn’t stop falling. You come into work after having fought with the wind, your umbrella broken and your coat drenched. Just…

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The Twilight Zone

  This week’s parasha contains four words that changed the course of history. We all know the story of Yosef’s arrest and imprisonment.  Shortly afterwards, two members of Pharaoh’s Court were also thrown into jail. We need to understand what…

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Where was Dina?

Yaakov was preparing for his encounter with Esav. He transferred the entire family across the river. Yet the Torah seems to miss out the mention of one person – Dina. Rashi (32:23) commenting on the transfer, states that Dina was…

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Yaacov’s Humility

Why does Yaacov belittle himself by referring in ch. 32 V.5 to Esov as his master and to himself as Esov’s servant when he was not even speaking to Esov nor was he in his presence of anywhere near within…

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Parasha Insights

After seven years of working hard for Lavan in order to marry his daughter Rachel, and eager to build the next block in Am Yisrael, Yaakov awakens in the morning and is stunned to find out that he has been…

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Make an Impression!

In this week’s Parasha Yaccov needs to run from his brother עשו, the Pasuk says וַיֵּצֵ֥א יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב מִבְּאֵ֣ר שָׁ֑בַע וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ חָרָֽנָה – And יעקב went out from Beer Sheva and he went to Charan. (כח:י). Why does the Torah need…

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Parasha Insights

“Yitzchak was caused to love [VAYE’EHAV] Esav for he hunted/ensnared with his mouth, and Rivka loves [OHEVETH] Ya'akov” (25:28). Rashi, citing the Medrash, explains to us how Esav would cunningly ensnare his father Yitzchak with his mouth. He would ask…

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Sons and Fathers

A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So, you tell me that your mother says your prayers for you each night. That’s very commendable. What does she actually say?" The little boy replied, "Thank G-d he's in bed!" Leading…

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