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Many Thoughts!

You’re late for a very important business meeting. The Chazan finishes the Amida – and you wait for the potential good news – no Tachanun. But it doesn’t come! You check your watch and decide time out. Off go the…

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Awaiting His Arrival!

Looking forwards to this week’s Kiddush? For some people it’s the highlight of the week. For others, the highlight arrives just before the Kiddush. This week, as the Shabbat Morning Prayer is being said, take an extra deep look into…

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Parasha Insights

In this week’s Parsha we read about the evil intentions of Balak who hired Bilam to curse our nation. The Almighty God turned the curses of Bilam into blessings. Let us delve a little deeper and see what Bilam really…

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Small Actions

The great Sage Rav stated (Gemara Nazir 23b) a person should always endeavor to study Torah and perform Mitzvot, even if he is performing the Mitzvot for an alternative reason and not for the sake of Heaven (Afilu SheLelo Lishma…

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Who is to blame?

Having suffered more setbacks on their journey through the desert after some thirty-eight years on their way to the Holy Land, the Jewish People were getting weary. They began complaining about their general predicament and about the manna, with which…

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Devotion to Torah

No, it’s not your imagination. You really have been spending more time at the office since the recession hit back in 2008. In Japan they call it karoshi and in China it is guolaosi. As yet there is no word…

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