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“Extra Sensitivity”

In Parashat Korach we are told of the dispute raised against Moshe and Aharon, concerning challenging the leadership, Kehunah Gedolah and ultimately the veracity of all Moshe Rabbenu’s communication with Hashem. The land swallowed up Korach, Datan, Aviram and their…

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Parasha Insights

To become a leader one needs stamina, charisma, to be persistent, powerful and pushy in his drive. One needs to walk over others that step in his path, pushing them aside, and work hard to keep his position. I am…

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To “Know” and to “Feel”

In response to the B’nei Yisrael’s decision to listen to the negative reports of the spies Hashem asks : “Until when will this people anger me and until when will they not believe in me given all the signs I have brought about in…

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Why am I seeing this?!

Moshe had a special mission cut out for twelve individuals. They had to be hand picked and were going on a national mission to search out the land of Israel. The twelve spies set out to search the land of…

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Becoming Your Attributes

The parasha begins where Aharon HaCohen is instructed to light the Menorah. When Aharon was told to light the Menorah the Pasuk says ״ויעש כן אהרן״ “and Aharon did as he was told”. Why should the pasuk need to point…

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Parasha Insights

Are you Moshe?! Want to be a servant? Of course not, it’s a tough job right? Well there’s another side to that argument. The number of butlers registered with Greycoat Placements, the servants’ employment agency, has almost doubled to more…

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