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Why am I seeing this?!

Moshe had a special mission cut out for twelve individuals. They had to be hand-picked and were going on a national mission to search out the land of Israel. The twelve spies set out to search the land of Israel.…

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Imagine a school classroom. The school day is nearly finished. The kids are fidgeting and restless. The teacher is still finishing off his lesson. While he is writing on the board, the bell goes. The teacher finishes writing. Seconds later,…

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Are you Moshe?!

Want to be a servant? Of course not, it’s a tough job right? Well there’s another side to that argument. The number of butlers registered with Greycoat Placements, the servants’ employment agency, has almost doubled to more than 5,000 over…

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David Hamelech & Shavuot

  כִּי יִּהְיֶה בְךָ אֶבְיוֹן מֵאַחַד אַחֶיךָ בְאַחַד שְעָרֶיךָ בְאַרְצְךָ אֲשֶר יְהוָֹה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נתֵֹן לָךְ לֹא תְאַמֵץ אֶת לְבָבְךָ וְלֹא תִּקְפץֹ אֶת יָדְךָ מֵאָחִּיךָ הָאֶבְיוֹן : כִּי פָתחַֹ תִּפְתַח אֶת יָדְךָ לוֹ וְהַעֲבֵט תַעֲבִּיטֶנּוּ דֵי מַחְסרֹוֹ אֲשֶר יֶחְסַר לו :…

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Shavuot, so called because it marks the culmination of the seven weeks of counting the Omer, also alludes to the shavuot (oaths) which exist between Hashem and Bnei Yisrael. According to Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh, two oaths were made on this…

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Stand up and be counted

“And with you shall be one man from each tribe, a man who is a prince of his fathers’ house” (Numbers 1:4). Rashi (1040-1105) comments on the words “and with you shall be” and explains that Hashem is saying to…

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