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Chanuka Presents!

The delicious smell of doughnuts is in the air, and the beautiful candles across the community are alight as we delve into oil for the next eight days, sharing songs and presents with our loved ones. The story is told…

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Finding Parking

A man was driving to a very important meeting in town. He was late and any more delay could cause him the loss of a multibillion dollar deal. He arrives near the office only to find that all the parking…

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Jerusalem Live!

“He mourned for his son for many days (22 yrs!)….and he refused to be comforted” (37:34) Rashi explains that G-d placed into nature that the bitterness of the passing away of a dear one gradually decreases until the departure gets…

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Parsha Insights

Lilui nishmat Ovi Moiri Reb Zvi Hershel ben Yakov z’l In the beginning of this week’s Parsha the Torah describes how Yaacov was frightened of meeting his brother Esov. The Torah uses two words to describe his fear. Vayiro, he…

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Parsha Insights

When we are young, we can’t wait to be older. We want to be considered grownups ASAP. We want to drive, order, invest, and be independent like the adults. Yet once we have reached a certain age, we look back…

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