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Keep It Simple

“Vayechi Yaakov b’Eretz Mitzrayim {And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt} for seventeen years. And the years of Yaakov’s life were one hundred and forty seven years.[47:28-29]” The parsha of “Vayechi Yaakov {And Yaakov lived}” paradoxically deals with Yaakov’s…

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Shema Yisrael!

Twenty two long years have passed and finally Yosef meets his father: “He [Yosef] fell on his [father’s] neck, and wept exceedingly” (46:29). Yosef poured out his heart in a sea of tears at the emotional release of seeing his…

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Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel….. The Ancient Greeks have contributed a great deal to society. They played an important part in the development of the alphabet (the first two letters of the Greek alphabet – alpha and beta – have given us…

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Finding Parking!

A man was driving to a very important meeting in town. He was late and any more delay could cause him the loss of a multibillion dollar deal. He arrives near the office only to find that all the parking…

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