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What is freedom?

What was the purpose of the going out from Egypt? Hashem informed Moshe that upon leaving they would 'serve Hashem on this mountain'. In other words they were not being freed from slavery for freedoms sake, to live a life…

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Making a Mockery

A typical Jewish married couple are the proud parents of a 12-year-old daughter. They are not at all Jewishly observant, but they want their child to grow up happy and healthy, and to marry a Jew. You point out to…

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Money is hard to come by nowadays, the economy is tight and business seems lacking. Imagine arriving at a cash machine and asking to take out £100. The cash machine proceeds to give you £200. You are confused, and check…

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Not Just an Exodus

“And they should be a sign…that with a mighty hand Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim”. The Parsha is referring to the Tefillin that we wear everyday. Contained within them is a sign for the Jewish people that we should…

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