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Parsha Insights

Yitro hears about all that Hashem did for the Jewish people when He took them out of Egypt and decides to join them. The first Rashi on this week’s Parsha asks what exactly did Yitro hear that made him come…

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Seeing in the Dark

How will the most expensive divorce in history affect Amazon? The world’s richest man Jeff Bezos is splitting from his wife of 25 years – Mackenzie. Amazons founder Jeff is worth $134 billion, but a 50:50 split would mean he…

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Seeing in the Dark

The lights could soon be going out all over Britain. The National Grid has warned that demand for electricity could reach 95 per cent of available supplies if the UK is hit by a prolonged cold spell as was the…

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Hashem Melech!

At a Brit in Jerusalem a great Rabbi stood up to speak and wish well to the grandfather, an accomplished Talmud scholar, on the occasion of the Bris of his first grand-child, “Mazel Tov” he said, “today you are a…

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Divine Providence

As we proceed through the book of Shemot, we read about the slavery and persecution that the Jews suffered under Egyptian rule. G-d warned Pharoah, through his emissaries Moshe and Aharon, that if he does not free the Jews, he…

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