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Money is hard to come by nowadays, the economy is tight and business seems lacking. Imagine arriving at a cash machine and asking to take out £100. The cash machine proceeds to give you £200. You are confused, and check…

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Not Just an Exodus

“And they should be a sign…that with a mighty hand Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim”. The Parsha is referring to the Tefillin that we wear everyday. Contained within them is a sign for the Jewish people that we should…

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Patience is a Virtue!

The Gemara (Bava Metzia 85a) tells how R’ Chiya taught Torah to young children. He would plant flax, spin thread from the flax, weave nets, trap animals, skin the animals, and make parchment from their hides, upon which the words…

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The Tale of the Holy Vestment

In this week’s parasha there is a narrative that includes two verses that seem superfluous.  The Torah, in reintroducing Aharon and Moshe to us as they emerge as leaders of Klal Yisrael, also defines their lineage.  While tracing their heritage,…

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What is Faith?

As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The Parasha begins with the descent of Yaakov Avinu and his family to Egypt. They were only a small group when they arrived,…

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Share the pain!

The Gemara Sotah (11a) tells us that Pharaoh had three advisers: Yitro, Iyov and Bilam. Pharaoh wished to decide how to deal with the Israelite “problem”. He sought the opinion of each of his three advisers. Bilam was an evil man…

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