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What’s in a Name?

The first of this week’s double portion is called Behar. Meaning “at the mountain”, it refers to Har Sinai, the mountain characterised for its transparent humility, where we received the Torah. Immediately after Hashem’s awesome revelation at Sinai, Moshe climbed…

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Blessings are great, but curses, well no one wants to hear those. This weeks Parasha sets out the blessings that will occur when we do the will of our Creator, and Chas Ve Shalom the curses that will occur if…

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What’s in a Name?

The first of this week’s double portion is called Behar. Meaning “at the mountain”, it refers to Har Sinai, the mountain characterised for its transparent humility, where we received the Torah. Immediately after Hashem’s awesome revelation at Sinai, Moshe climbed…

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Parasha Insights

Whilst looking at all the Mitzvot in the Torah, the observance of Shemita is one of the most difficult ones to observe. To have your field remain fallow throughout the entire year demands a strong level of Emuna – faith…

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Humble With Power

As business boomed for tailors in a busy street in London, four tailors decided to open up one after each other. The first was George’s Tailor Shop. The sign read: The best tailor in the area! The second was Edward’s…

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Warriors of 2015

With Lag Baomer behind us and the famous conservative win in the UK, we are told that the economy is back on track and happy days lie ahead. But working for a livelihood has never been so hard. Not physically,…

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