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We live in a privileged generation. Whereas our grandparents found it hard to keep a kosher home, we are spoilt for choice. Kosher outlets and restaurants are opening across the country, food is being produced with flavours that were unheard…

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Parasha Insights

There is an interesting contrast between the language used when Hashem instructed Noach to take the animals with him into the ark, and that which is used in our parsha when explaining the laws of kashrus. Regarding Noach the Torah…

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Fit for the job!

In a world populated by more than 7 billion, we are constantly in contact with people around us. Every day we have interaction with others. Imagine the following: You are walking with the kids in a theme park, or supermarket.…

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Why Do We Honour?

On the first of Nissan, during the consecration of the Mishkan – the Tabernacle, Moshe Rabbenu summoned Aharon and his sons, who were the Kohanim in charge of the service in the Mishkan. He also called the elders of Israel,…

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We live in a privileged generation. Whereas our grandparents found it hard to keep a kosher home, we are spoilt for choice. Kosher outlets and restaurants are opening across the country, food is being produced with flavours that were unheard of, and…

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Parasha Insights

מה למדו ולימדו בני פפוניה ב״ה השבוע נחוג את חג הפורים ,ומייד בסיומו נתכונן לחג הפסח הקרב ובא. מאפיות המצות עובדות במלוא התפוקה,ובין הילכות אפיית המצות שנינו,שאין ללוש את העיסה אלא במים שלנו לינת לילה. מים ששאבו אותם ביום אתמול…

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