Sukkot Insights
My grandfather, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Carlebach was a rabbi in New Jersey at a time of changing demographics. An older bachelor, a chazzan of a shul some distance was a regular at their Shabbat table. One Rosh Hashanah he really…
Our Father, Our King.
Our Father, our King. You are judging us today. This is, after all, the Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment, and You, after all, are the King. But You are also our Father. Please judge us as a father would…
Kosher- Super Healthy – Supra Rational
When Rabbi Tawil asked that I write an article about Parshat Re’eh, kosher animals immediately came to my mind. But as it was Chukat when he spoke to me, so I thought I would write about the chukim (statutes which seem to have no logical…
Lighting Shabbat candles with Sarah Imenu
Hundreds, if not thousands, of communities worldwide are participating this week in an international Shabbat. Children of Abraham and Sarah will be doing what Sarah did weekly – ushering in the holiness of Shabbat with candle lighting. Abraham “called in…
Parasha Insights
“Who does G-d speak to?’ “And He called to Moses, and the Lord spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying.”(Vayikra, 1, 1) Where did the voice of G-d emanate from? “I will speak with you from … between the two cherubim that…