A Leader’s Sins
“If a leader [“Nassi”] sins unintentionally and commits one of all G-d’s commandments, which may not be committed, incurring guilt.” (Perek 4, Pasuk 22) The Gemara (Horayot 10a) defines the leader referred to in this Pasuk, as the King. The…
Torah Artillery
In a speech at a Rabbis conference in Europe, Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman z”l Hy”d shared the following insight in the name of his Rabbi, the Chafetz Chaim. The Chafetz Chaim asked, since the angel who fought against Yaakov Avinu is…
The Effects of Our Actions
The first three topics discussed consecutively in the parasha are: “Eshet YefatToar,” “IshaSenuah” and “Ben Sorer Umoreh.” “Eshet YefatToar,” concerns the laws of marrying a non-Jewish woman in a time of war. “IshaSenua” refers to the laws of a firstborn…
Believe in Yourself
Rabbi Ami said, “Come and see how great people of faith are, if one trusts in a weasel & pit, such an incident should happen, how much more so if one trusts in Hashem.”(Taanit 8a) Rashi explains that the Gemara…
Channelling Potential
“Chukim” are Mitsvot with no known rationale. The archetype to this category of Mitsvot, is the Mitsva of Para Adumah (red heifer), as it says “This is the decree of the Torah.” This Mitsva has two primary functions: 1. To purify…