What Lies in How We Dress?
Parshas Tezave talks about the components of the building of the Mishkan. Parshas Tezave moves on and discusses the special garments worn by the Kohanim, the people who served in the Mishkan. Why did they need special garments? Why not…
Vidui Overview
Yom Kippur is the highlight of the Aseret Yimei Teshuva, the ten days of repentance. How can we tap in to the special mercy of this day? There is a natural atonement in the day itself as the possuk says…
Parshas Tezave talks about the components of the building of the Mishkan. Parshas Tezave moves on and discusses the special garments worn by the Kohanim, the people who served in the Mishkan. Why did they need special garments? Why not…