Noach’s Koach
Cher Ami was one of the 600 pigeons of the Signal Corps of the US Army, which were used to exchange important information during World War II. In just one year, Cher Ami made dozens of combat flights and delivered 12 messages of particular importance. Cher Ami’s last trip…
Appreciating Appreciation
Liluis Nishmas Esther bat Dona A story[1] is told about the Gaon Reb Yonoson Eybechutz[2]. Before he became famous he used to be the Rabbi of a small town in Czechoslovakia. Seeing that he was not overly busy with halachic matters…
Parasha Insights
Senior Kodesh Teacher at Hasmonean High School Mazal tov are the words we usually hear when we hear the joyful news of new baby who has entered our world. Yet the Torah appears to view the birth as a negative…