Parasha Insights
“And Noach the man of the earth profaned and he planted a vineyard and drank from the wine and he became drunk” “Vayachel” Rashi explains that he profaned himself as he should have first planted something else. The Midrash Rabbah…
Parasha Insights
The Torah speaks about a wayward son who does not listen to his parents, he is judged now for his future actions. Rashi explains that he is killed now for the future sins that he will transgress- he will steal…
Parsha Insights
“And Noach the man of the earth profaned and he planted a vineyard and drank from the wine and he became drunk” “Vayachel” Rashi explains that he profaned himself as he should have first planted something else. The Midrash Rabbah says…
Parasha Insights
Chapter 23 Pasuk 34 “Speak to the Bnei Yisrael saying on the 15th day of this 7th month it will be Chag Hasukot seven days for Hashem”. Interestingly, both our Pasuk here and Pasuk 27 which discusses Yom Kippur mention this 7th month, whereas it…
Gemara through to Halacha –Meam Loez Kollel by Mordechai Ovadia
Is one obligated to read Shnayim Mikra with the Targum translation or Rashi? Is it acceptable to read the Torah twice and then an English translation such as Artscroll? Rabbeinu Ephraim writes an allusion in Parashat Shemot: the words V’ele Sh’mot are…