Jewish Identity
Thinking about the Holocaust this week, around Yom HaShoa, I was struck by the very nature of the destruction the world witnessed only seventy-some years ago. Entire families, neighbourhoods, villages, were destroyed. Rabbinic dynasties snuffed out, family trees torn down…
Your only son, the one you love
At the end of this week’s Torah reading, we are confronted with what we are told is Avraham’s final test, the binding of Isaac. In what must be counted as one of the bible’s most harrowing commandments, God tells Avraham…
Parasha Insights
We find ourselves at a most difficult part of the year. “YameiBeinHameitzarim”, the days between the straits, are a period of national mourning, a time of introspection and reflection on all that we’ve lost. Every year, this time coincides with…