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Parasha Insights

We find ourselves at a most difficult part of the year. “YameiBeinHameitzarim”, the days between the straits, are a period of national mourning, a time of introspection and reflection on all that we’ve lost. Every year, this time coincides with…

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Awaiting His Arrival!

Looking forwards to this week’s Kiddush? For some people it’s the highlight of the week. For others, the highlight arrives just before the Kiddush. This week, as the Shabbat Morning Prayer is being said, take an extra deep look into…

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Parasha Insights

At the end of last week’s sedra, we came across one the most unsavoury incidents in the history of Am Yisrael.  Without mentioning names, the Torah tells us that a leader came and brought near to his brothers a Midianite…

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Dvar Torah Parashat Balak

Some remarkable statistics: Between the years 1918-1933 Jews made up 0.78% of the German population but accounted for approximately 15% of doctors and dentists, 25% of the lawyers and 80% of the key positions in the country’s stock exchange. Polish…

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Small Actions

The great Sage Rav stated (Gemara Nazir 23b) a person should always endeavor to study Torah and perform Mitzvot, even if he is performing the Mitzvot for an alternative reason and not for the sake of Heaven (AfiluSheLeloLishma – ShemitochSheloLishma…

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Channelling Potential

“Chukim” are Mitsvot with no known rationale. The archetype to this category of Mitsvot, is the Mitsva of Para Adumah (red heifer), as it says “This is the decree of the Torah.” This Mitsva has two primary functions: 1. To purify…

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Disconnect to Reconnect!

Enter a synagogue during the week and take a look around. What are people’s facial expressions? Tired, overworked, stressed? When it comes to Shabbat morning however, it would seem that you are entering a different place with completely different people.…

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