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The Thief’s Answer!

Imagine a fantastic life where children are conceived and born on the same day. A newborn child is immediately able to stand and walk with the ability to speak. The land is filled with abundance and great produce. People possess…

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Parsha Insights

“And Noach the man of the earth profaned and he planted a vineyard and drank from the wine and he became drunk” “Vayachel” Rashi explains that he profaned himself as he should have first planted something else.  The Midrash Rabbah says…

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The Blessing of Rebuke

The end of life somehow affords a clearer perspective than ever before, so a person’s last words are arguably the most powerful they’ll ever say. Accordingly, halacha gives great import to the words of a dying person, permitting certain financial acquisitions not…

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Leap second!

Anyone who was really focusing on their watches at midnight on the 31st December would have noticed something strange. If you were one of those people who couldn’t wait for 2016 to be over, then unfortunately you would have had to…

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Antidote to Exile

Near the end of this week’s Parasha, the Torah tells us: “And Yosef sustained his father and his brothers and all of his father’s house with bread according to their numbers”(47:12). It makes sense that Yosef would provide for his…

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