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Parasha Insights

Our Torah is a Book of Commandments, yet SeferBeraishit, the longest of the Five Books, deals mostly with the history of our Matriarchs and Patriarchs. It is through their lives that we learn proper conduct, morals, and values. It is…

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Praying isn’t as easy at it seems. Sometimes we pray for something for years and never seem to be answered, yet on other occasions we can see immediate success in our prayers. In this week’s parsha we learn of one…

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Sarah’s Fear

Towards the beginning of this week’s parsha, a very surprising thing occurs. Sarah Imeinu, renowned in divreiChazal for her prophecy and righteousness, is accused of having laughed in disbelief upon being informed that she will bear a son. This itself…

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Alarm Bells Ringing

The alarm rings, its six thirty in the morning, your head is spinning, you wonder to yourself what day is it? After a few seconds you realise its Thursday and that Shul awaits you. You convince yourself, just another a…

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Shabbat UK Shalom!

A couple came in for counselling. The husband was a football ‘fanatic’. The wife spoke of how every night he would rush to the TV and ensure to watch the game. The therapist assured her it was actually quite the…

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Parasha Insights

As we read about the mabul that destroyed an entire generation, and left only NOACH with his family intact in the safety of the Teivoh, we need to give this a little thought. What was the severity of the sin…

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