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Parasha Insights

After seven years of working hard for Lavan in order to marry his daughter Rachel, and eager to build the next block in Am Yisrael, Yaakov awakens in the morning and is stunned to find out that he has been…

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Alexandros III Philippou Makedonon commonly known in the West as Alexander the Great King of Macedon (336–323 B.C.E.), was the most successful military commander of ancient history, conquering most of the known world before his death. Our Sages relate the…

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AJEX Shabbat 2020

Memory has sustained us as Jews over thousands of years through a most challenging history. Our faith and our people are founded on the collective memory of 'Matan Torah' - the revelation at Sinai - and our shared experience over…

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Confusing Our Minds!

Our Parsha begins on a sad note. Sarah the wife of Avraham and the Mother of the Jewish people passes away. Rashi explains the reason for the juxtaposition of the death of Sarah to the Akeidat Yitzchak (sacrificing of Yitzchak)…

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Parasha Insights

Avraham and Lot had long since parted ways; the dispute between their shepherds was the catalyst for the protégé Lot leaving his famous uncle to forge his own path – better to be the judge in Sodom than in the…

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Every Step Counts!

It was a scorching hot day, and Avraham was recovering from his Brit Mila. The Torah relates what happens next: “And he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, three men were standing beside him, and he saw and he…

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