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Parasha Insights

This week’s parasha discusses the purchase of a burial plot by Avraham Avinu for his wife Sarah. He buys the plot from the newly elected head of the Hittites, a scoundrel of a fellow by the name of Ephron. The…

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Praying isn’t as easy at it seems. Sometimes we pray for something for years and never seem to be answered, yet on other occasions we can see immediate success in our prayers. In this week’s parsha we learn of one…

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Thanks to Hashem

Thanking G-d at every stage in your life is important. In the olden days, the Mizbeach (altar) represented the place in which a person could offer up thanks to Hashem. At the end of this week's Parsha, the Torah tells…

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Welcoming Guests

This parashah begins by telling us about our Forefather Avraham’s exemplary kindness when welcoming guests. The Torah instructs us how to fulfil the commandment of performing chessed, kindness, when Yitro instructs Moshe Rabbenu (Shemot 18:20), “Vehodahta lahem et haderech yelchu…

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The lobster is a soft mushy animal that lives inside a solid shell. That rigid shell doesn’t expand. So how does the lobster grow? As the lobster grows it feels under pressure of its shell. It goes under a rock…

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