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Two Wives!

Are you married? No? What you waiting for, join the club! Yes – for how long? Has it been a while since you were under the chupa with your spouse to be? How’s married life treating you? When we are…

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Importance of Hakarat Hatov

In this week’s Sidro Ch.23 V.5 why does the Torah state that an Amoni (Ammonite) and a Mo’avi (Moabite)  are not permitted to join the holy community for two reasons:- They refused to supply food and water during the Exodus…

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What are you chasing?

A banker was vacationing in a small coastal village. While walking near a pier, he observed a small boat with just one fisherman. Inside the boat with the fisherman were several yellow-fin tuna. The businessman complimented the fisherman on the…

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We now find ourselves in the month of Elul. Elul is a month of preparation before Rosh Hashana. Rosh Hashana is the day of judgement. To prepare ourselves for judgement we must do two things. We must work on repenting…

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At the Double

This Shabbat we commence a series of seven Shabbatot wherein we read special Haphtarot of comfort, Shiv’ah De’Nechamatah, taking us to Rosh Hashanah. The first opens with Hashem’s instruction to the prophet Yishayahu: “Nachamu nachamu ami – comfort, oh comfort…

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There is a famous story of a traveller who visited one of the greatest rabbis of the last generation – the Chafetz Chaim. The traveller entered the humble abode of the Chafetz Chaim and was astonished by the meagre accommodation.…

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Building through Tears

Shabbat Chazon is the call to the annual global meeting. A meeting of pain, collective tragedy and a meeting of introspection.  This meeting does not take place in executive board rooms, but on hard floors. Those who attend are forlorn,…

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