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Parasha Insights

The Torah speaks about a wayward son who does not listen to his parents, he is judged now for his future actions. Rashi explains that he is killed now for the future sins that he will transgress- he will steal…

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MARRIAGE – Two Wives!

Are you married? No? What you waiting for, join the club! Yes – for how long? Has it been a while since you were under the chupa with your spouse to be? How’s married life treating you? When we are…

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The Mishna in Pirkei Avot (1:6) states that we should make ourselves (have) a Rabbi, and buy ourselves a friend. Generally our perspective is highly subjective and biased with respect to all matters concerning our self. Our desires blind our…

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Parasha Insights

We are told “Judges and officers you shall place for yourself (singular) in all of your gates” (Devarim 16:18). If the Torah is commanding us to appoint representatives as part of a Judicial System then it seems strange we are…

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Parasha Insights

There is a famous story of a king that built vast wondrous cities. At his disposal was an awesome architect and builder named Joseph. Joseph was known throughout the Kingdom, and had been instrumental in producing the most magnificent edifices…

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Parasha Insights

A school teacher asked a student, “John, will you please conjugate the verb ‘to go’ for the class?” The kid began, “I go… um… you go… ehmm… he goes…” “How about a little faster?” asks the teacher. “Sure!” answered John.…

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