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Veahavta Le ReachaKamocha a deeper meaning!

One of favourite Torah lessons is found in this week’s Parasha, Kedoshim. In one of the most important and extremely popular verses of Torah we are commanded “Ve’ahavtalerei’achakomocha” — “Love your friend as yourself.” Undoubtedly, this command is all-inclusive and is not limited…

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Your child is playing on the beach with his friend making a sand castle. He makes the most magnificent edifice with four towers, a moat of water and great structures. After four hours of hard work, he runs to tell…

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Lessons from Terminal Five

Airport encounters can be strange. The gentleman sitting opposite me informed me that although he had emigrated to Haifa many years ago, he had returned briefly to his homeland in a remote corner of the United States to visit his…

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Leaving a true legacy!

Since the day Adam Harishon was created and then moved on to the higher worlds, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their…

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Parasha Insights

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”  –  Henry Thomas Buckle Recently the Daily Mail ran an article headlined “Gossip is good for you: Women who chat regularly are happier and healthier”. Scientists claim it…

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Metzora 5776

This week’s Torah portion, Metsora, discusses the laws of various forms of Tumah [spiritual defilement] that result from certain discolorations on the body, clothing, or one’s home, as well as certain discharges. Removing the impurity is not always a simple…

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