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Parasha Insights

“REPENT! The end is drawing near!” So says the preacher in Stamford Hill. We laugh her off (and rightfully so). She is crazy after all. How do I know when Hashem has spoken to someone? Hearing intelligent words from a…

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Devotion to Torah

No, it’s not your imagination. You really have been spending more time at the office since the recession hit back in 2008. In Japan they call it karoshi and in China it is guolaosi. As yet there is no word…

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Not Just Any Stones!

There is never a dull moment in Israel! Just this week a thief returned two archaeological treasures with a confession note – after apparently experiencing 20 years of bad luck. The 2,000-year-old sling stones were taken from the ancient city…

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Parasha Insights

We find ourselves at a most difficult part of the year. “YameiBeinHameitzarim”, the days between the straits, are a period of national mourning, a time of introspection and reflection on all that we’ve lost. Every year, this time coincides with…

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Awaiting His Arrival!

Looking forwards to this week’s Kiddush? For some people it’s the highlight of the week. For others, the highlight arrives just before the Kiddush. This week, as the Shabbat Morning Prayer is being said, take an extra deep look into…

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Parasha Insights

At the end of last week’s sedra, we came across one the most unsavoury incidents in the history of Am Yisrael.  Without mentioning names, the Torah tells us that a leader came and brought near to his brothers a Midianite…

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