“Do not fear Avram for I am a shield for you…” (15:1)
Have you ever wondered why in the first blessing of the Amidah we bless Hashem as the “shield of Avraham”? What exactly is this supposed to mean and why do we specifically mention Avraham as oppose to Yitzchak and Yaakov?…
Parasha Insights
A couple came in for counselling. The husband was a football ‘fanatic’. The wife spoke of how every night he would rush to the TV and ensure to watch the game. The therapist assured her it was actually quite the…
The Sky’s the Limit
The parashah tells of a famous dialogue between Avraham Avinu and Hakadosh Baruch Hu: Avraham is troubled that he will not have children, Hashem takes Avraham outside to show him the stars and says your children will be many just…
Lech Lecha
From the moment we are born, to the day that G-d calls us, we are tested. In essence, everything is a test, and once we absorb this, it will become easier to bear the many challenges and trials of life.…
Lighting Shabbat candles with Sarah Imenu
Hundreds, if not thousands, of communities worldwide are participating this week in an international Shabbat. Children of Abraham and Sarah will be doing what Sarah did weekly – ushering in the holiness of Shabbat with candle lighting. Abraham “called in…