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Beneath The Surface

Have you ever seen an iceberg up close? Take a look at the picture on this page. Quite startling. The photograph came from a rig manager for Global Marine Drilling in St. John, Newfoundland. They have to divert the path…

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Parasha Insights

As we complete the first book of the Torah we are left with a subconscious message hinted throughout the Parasha. It all begins with the name of this week’s Parasha – Vayechi. In essence the Parasha relates Yaakov’s last years…

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YOLO and Ya’akov

You Only Live Once, but are you alive? Some YOLO’s eat, drink and make merry, for after all, tomorrow they may die. But is that real life? In the words of my rebbi, “Are you alive because you are alive or because a bus…

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Am Yisrael Chai

On Friday November the 13th, we were all saddened to learn of the murder of Rabbi Yaakov Litman and his 18-year-old son Netanel in front of their family as they left the settlement of Otniel near Chevron. Rabbi Litman’s wife…

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Jewish Pride

What was the secret of Joseph’s success that enabled him to constantly rise after each fall? How does a man who endures so many knocks in life still manage to pick himself up? The Torah deliberately stipulates twice that G-d…

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The Ancient Greeks have contributed a great deal to society. They played an important part in the development of the alphabet (the first two letters of the Greek alphabet – alpha and beta – have given us the word ‘alphabet’)…

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