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Where’s My Reward?

The Midrash Tehillim says that the Giants Og and Sichon were more formidable adversaries than Pharaoh and his army. Moshe had battled Sichon and won. Now he faced a war against the mighty Og. Yet before this war, Moshe seems…

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A Person’s Honour

This week we start reading the fifth book of the Torah – Sefer Devarim. Literally translated  as  “the  Book  of  Words,”  it  refers  to the words of rebuke that Moshe Rabbenu reprimanded the Jewish People before he passed away. Just…

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Where’s My Reward?

The Midrash Tehillim says that the Giants Og and Sichon were more formidable adversaries than Pharaoh and his army. Moshe had battled Sichon and won. Now he faced a war against the mighty Og. Yet before this war, Moshe seems…

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Two Wives!

Are you married? No? What you waiting for join the club. Yes – for how long? Has it been a while since you were under the chupa with your spouse to be? How’s married life treating you? When we are…

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Where’s My Reward?

The Midrash Tehillim says that the Giants Og and Sichon were more formidable adversaries than Pharaoh and his army. Moshe had battled Sichon and won. Now he faced a war against the mighty Og. Yet before this war, Moshe seems…

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Parasha Insights

“Woe to us on the day of judgment; woe to us on the day of rebuke!” There are many things in life that are easy to give but difficult to accept and likewise there are those that are difficult to…

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