Parasha Insights
“Re’eh Nasati Lifneichem Hayom” – with the Possuk, Hashem sets out the roadmap and life mission of every single Jew. Today, Shabbos Parshas Re’eh coincides with Rosh Chodesh Elul. The beginning of the period marking the time to prepare for Rosh Hashono and the new year. The time for…
Why is the Place hidden?
At the end of this sentence I would like you to close your eyes for a few seconds and ponder - When I say Jerusalem, what do you think of? That Holy City, the eternal Jewish capital, lined with ancient…
Kosher- Super Healthy – Supra Rational
When Rabbi Tawil asked that I write an article about Parshat Re’eh, kosher animals immediately came to my mind. But as it was Chukat when he spoke to me, so I thought I would write about the chukim (statutes which seem to have no logical…
Parasha Insights
There is a famous story of a king that built vast wondrous cities. At his disposal was an awesome architect and builder named Joseph. Joseph was known throughout the Kingdom, and had been instrumental in producing the most magnificent edifices…
Ooh or Aah?
The great Chassidic sageRabbi Aryeh Leib known as the ShpolleZeide, tells how as a child, he would go to a shvitz (steam bath) with his father, who would pour freezing water on him just as he began to perspire. “Ooh,”…
Occurrence of the Yamim Tovim in the Torah
Towards the end of the sidra we have the well-known parshiot of AserTe’aser and KolHabechor which are read for KriatHatorah “ChutzLa’Aretz” on Shmini Atzeret and Yom Tov Sheni. There are five places in Chumash where the range of YamimTovim are…