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Parasha insights

“Tell the Kohanim descendants of Aharon, and you shall say to them, he may not defile himself in contact with a deceased amongst his people” (21:1). Our Parsha opens up with the laws that apply exclusively to the Kohen, due…

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The Key To Holiness

“And you shall keep my statutes and do them; I am Hashem who sanctifies you. For any man who curses his father and mother shall be put to death, for cursing his father and mother he shall be stoned.” (Vayikra…

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Leaving a true legacy!

Since the day Adam Harishon was created and then moved on to the higher worlds, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their…

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The Beis HaLevi 

The Beis HaLevi, Rov of Brisk had an interesting custom. ‎While receiving his townspeople in his study and offering them his sage advice and counsel, he would regularly open a small silver snuff box, peer inside, and then close it.…

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This week’s Torah portion, Metsora, discusses the laws of various forms of Tumah [spiritual defilement] that result from certain discolorations on the body, clothing, or one’s home, as well as certain discharges. Removing the impurity is not always a simple…

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Fit for the job!

In a world populated by more than 7 billion, we are constantly in contact with people around us. Every day we have interaction with others. Imagine the following: You are walking with the kids in a theme park, or supermarket.…

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Why Do We Honour?

On the first of Nissan, during the consecration of the Mishkan – the Tabernacle, Moshe Rabbenu summoned Aharon and his sons, who were the Kohanim in charge of the service in the Mishkan. He also called the elders of Israel,…

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