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Noach’s Koach

Cher Ami was one of the 600 pigeons of the Signal Corps of the US Army, which were used to exchange important information during World War II. In just one year, Cher Ami made dozens of combat flights and delivered 12 messages of particular importance. Cher Ami’s last trip…

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Late June 1976; passengers boarding Air France flight 139 discover it is now stopping in Athens en route to Paris. Some, like George and Rivka Karfunkel don’t want to board; Athens airport was renowned for its terrible security; indeed it…

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Be Fruitful

Our Torah contains 613 commandments, mitzvot. There are 248 positive ones that we must “do,” and 365 negative ones that we must be careful “not to do.” These 613 are the key mitzvot, from which thousands of other mitzvot branch…

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The world in which we live is a very round place. A chicken's egg, the human eye, the spawn of tadpoles, an oyster, a grain of sand, the stem of a flower, the suction pad of a squid, the rings…

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Live Forever!

If there is one thing for certain in life, it is that everyone dies. Sounds depressing, but in actual fact we know that this world is but a corridor to the Real (Eternal) World – the world to come. Yet…

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Keep It Simple

“Vayechi Yaakov b’Eretz Mitzrayim {And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt} for seventeen years. And the years of Yaakov’s life were one hundred and forty seven years.[47:28-29]” The parsha of “Vayechi Yaakov {And Yaakov lived}” paradoxically deals with Yaakov’s…

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