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Parasha Insights

Chapter 23 Pasuk 34 “Speak to the Bnei Yisrael saying on the 15th day of this 7th month it will be Chag Hasukot seven days for Hashem”. Interestingly, both our Pasuk here and Pasuk 27 which discusses Yom Kippur mention this 7th month,  whereas it…

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The Choice is Ours

The story is told about a man that didn’t believe in free will. After 120 years he went up to heaven and was met with two paths in front of him. The first had a sign saying “Believers in predestination”…

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Achrei – Kedoshim

There is yet another election looming. But the prestigious and bipartisan Institute for Fiscal Studies, upon its analysis of the political parties’ manifestos, concluded that the electorate was still “in the dark” as to what they were actually offering. Party…

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King or Queen?

A cruel husband once approached his wife and told her “I’m the boss and you’re nothing.” She instantly replied, “Well I guess then… that makes you the boss of nothing!” How much wisdom was captured in those few lines and…

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Korbanot – idolatry related or not?

There are three seemingly contradictory reasons brought by Rambam for the commandments regarding sacrifices. In Moreh Nevuchim (The Guide for the Perplexed) he purports two different reasons. Firstly, he states that the sacrificial service is the product of the need for a…

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