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The Lessons We Can Learn From an Ox

“And if an ox were to gore three times…” (Shemos 21:29) Our Parasha informs us of the laws related to an ox that causes damages to others and differentiates between two types of cases: 1)            The ox that causes damages…

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Where do I find a Rabbi?

Without a teacher, we don’t learn. If we don’t learn, we don’t grow. Teachers inspire us. They help us become our best selves. They mirror to us our potential. In fact, they show us what we can – or do…

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Parasha Insights

Vayikach Yisro .. es Ziporah .. Veis shnei vonehu asher shem hoechad Gershom .. Veshem hoechad Eliezer. Jethro the father in law of Moses took Zipporah and her two sons of whom the name of one was Gershom , and…

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Do you hear the silence?

When was the last time you experienced pure, absolute silence? No planes or passing cars, just the sound of life doing its thing all around you—the trickle of the stream, the songs of the birds, the wind passing through the…

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The Second Opening of the Sea

Two weeks ago, I heard a beautiful shiur from Rabbi YY Jacobson, the likes of which I have never heard before, when he was in London for the Aleinu conference. The opening of our portion relates how Pharaoh reconsidered immediately…

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