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Parasha Insights

In this week’s Parasha we learn about the Metzora – a person who is afflicted and cast out of the camp because of the sin of slander. The Midrash explains that the word Metzora can be read Motsi Shem Ra…

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An eye for an eye

The Torah states that the punishment for speaking lashon hara (slander) is for that individual to be removed to outside the camp and be left alone. Rashi is troubled with a simple question. We know that Hashem does all judgement…

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Korbanot – idolatry related or not?

There are three seemingly contradictory reasons brought by Rambam for the commandments regarding sacrifices. In Moreh Nevuchim (The Guide for the Perplexed) he purports two different reasons. Firstly, he states that the sacrificial service is the product of the need for a…

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Child Sacrifice!

Have you ever wondered what is the best part of the Torah to start to teach your child? The obvious start would be at the beginning – Bereishit, or perhaps you would prefer to start it with the first mitzvah…

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Parasha Insights

“Who does G-d speak to?’ “And He called to Moses, and the Lord spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying.”(Vayikra, 1, 1) Where did the voice of G-d emanate from? “I will speak with you from … between the two cherubim that…

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‘The Jewish Guide to Survival’

On my most recent family walk in the Lake District, we came across the statue of a Border Collie dog named ‘Ruswarp’ with a plaque describing this heroic dog’s loyalty to its master, Mr Nuttell. The two greatly enjoyed walking…

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