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Parasha Insights

“Who does G-d speak to?’ “And He called to Moses, and the Lord spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying.”(Vayikra, 1, 1) Where did the voice of G-d emanate from? “I will speak with you from … between the two cherubim that…

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‘The Jewish Guide to Survival’

On my most recent family walk in the Lake District, we came across the statue of a Border Collie dog named ‘Ruswarp’ with a plaque describing this heroic dog’s loyalty to its master, Mr Nuttell. The two greatly enjoyed walking…

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Parasha Insights

Whilst looking at all the Mitzvot in the Torah, the observance of Shemita is one of the most difficult ones to observe. To have your field remain fallow throughout the entire year demands a strong level of Emuna – faith…

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Humble With Power

As business boomed for tailors in a busy street in London, four tailors decided to open up one after each other. The first was George’s Tailor Shop. The sign read: The best tailor in the area! The second was Edward’s…

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Jewish Identity

Thinking about the Holocaust this week, around Yom HaShoa, I was struck by the very nature of the destruction the world witnessed only seventy-some years ago. Entire families, neighbourhoods, villages, were destroyed. Rabbinic dynasties snuffed out, family trees torn down…

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